Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Fountain of Youth!

Here is one of out other Commercial Art assignments. The objective was to create an advertisement that would catch someones attention using different art principles. These principles ranged from centering the image, and emphasising the topic. My advertisement was for The Fountain of Youth. It was another fun assignment .

Chandler Ward

Monday, September 17, 2012

Clocks (album cover)

This project was an album cover that we would like to remake. I choose to remake the album cover for clocks, A Rush Of Blood To The Head. This album cover was centered around the song clocks. I was very rushed with this project which will explain its similarity to one of my other projects. Either way though I learned a couple of things with this project. I learned how to do caligraphy iwth numbers and how to enter text in an image.

I would have liked to put more time into the back cover, it apears very sloppy in my opinion. In the future I will be making sure I have plenty of time to complete my project and make sure it is up to par.

Other examples from my art class for this project are: likeasirart.blogspot.com, artclassfun.blogspot.com

Chandler Jay



Something that rules our lives,
Something that never stops,
and something that will continue to swirl around us...

This was another project that we worked on in Commercial Art. The assignment was to go around our school gathering pictures that looked like letters, and with the pictures spell out words. I decided to put a creative twist to this assignment (mainly because I felt to lazy to scoure the school for pictures.) I choose to take a single picture of a clock and alter the hands and spell out TIME. I must remind you that I am not artistic, which explains the quality of the image above.

This project taught me several things. I learned how you can interpret art in several ways and give it your own personal twist. I also learned how to extract parts of an image and how to change their size, shape and angle.

The only thing I would change about this project is making the letters more consistant in size...

Other wise this was a great experience.

(Other examples of this project are: likeasirart.blogspot.com and artofrissa.blogspot.com)

Chandler Jay

My First Commercial Art Project

This was my first project in commercial art. I had some fun creating this snow man. I enjoyed working on the background (aura lights). I found it a challenge to get it set up, as well as making it look cool.

It was a great project to learn more about the program Pixlr, and a great way to gain a better understanding about Photoshop. Several things I learned about in particular through this project is layering.

 It was a blast discovering how this program worked.

Chandler Jay

Thursday, September 13, 2012

First Post

This is Chandler Jays first blog!

This blog is created to display all of my art created in "commercial art." I will say I am no artist and this is going to be a new experience. Enjoy :)